Introduction to business mathematics chapter 2 solution aiou code 1349

Unit# 2 

Business Arithmetic -II

(Solved Exercises)

chapter 2 solution aiou code 1349


Note : Before copying or learning numerical questions of chapter#2  you need to memorize the following formulas so it will become easier for you to learn and understand all numerical questions  . Here is the short  list of formulas .


  1. Discount Rate =(AD/SP *100)%
  2. DP=SP-AD
  3. DP=SP(1-AD)
  4. R=(P/C  *100)%=(S-C/C *100)%
  5. R' = (L/C *100)%=(C-S/C *100)%
(Where AD=amount of discount , DP=discounted price , SP = selling price , CP=cost price , P=profit , L=loss)

Q.1 Fill in the blanks .

  1. Profit is a business tactics used to attract customers. 
  2. Amount of discount is the amount that is deducted from the Selling price .
  3. Stated price is known as Selling price
  4. Discount on  Specific amount  is quantity discount . 
  5. The amount of payment paid to person on his good service is known as
  6.  Commission is based on value of goods bought and sold . 
  7. Markdown or rate of loss  is known as percentage ratio of loss and cost.
  8. Calculation of profit and loss depends on selling price rather than on cost price
  9. Depreciation is Continual loss appeared in the value of fixed properties . 
  10. Method to charge depreciation is  Fixed Installment and Reducing balance method   

Q.2 Choose the correct answer . 

1.Discount is defined as the _________in the price of an item . 
    a) Reduction     b ) addition      c) Accession     d) none 
2.DR is known as __________
    a) deduction Rate     b) Discount Rate     c) Decreasing rate     d) All 
3.More than one discount given to the customer is known as ____________
    a) Inconsecutive     b) Inconsequent     c) nonconsecutive     d) Successive 
4.Buy one get one free is an example of ___________
    a) Quantity discount     b)Quality discount     c) both a and b     d) none 
5.___________is a person who gives his services for others . 
    a)Manager     b)Agent     c) dealer     d) none .
6.The positive difference of selling an item is _________
    a) Profit     b) Loss     c)Profit and Loss     d) nothing 
7. In relative term profit is known as __________
    a) Mark Down     b)Mark In     c) Markup     d) Markup-down
8.The profit in terms of selling price in accounting is known as __________
    a)Complex     b)Margin     c)Interior     d) None 
9.Mark Down is opposite to the ___________. 
    a)Profit     b) Loss     c)Markup     d) All 
10.Diminishing balance is calculated by using fixed percentage on the __________value of the asset every year . 
    a) Increasing     b)Decreasing     c)Profit     d) Loss 

Q.3 Mark These True / False 

  1. Discount is the increase in the price of an item  T/F 
  2. In discount stated price is reduced  T/F 
  3. Stated price is the price of an item without having any discount  T/F
  4. Discounted price is greater than the original price of quantity  T/F
  5. The percentage involved in breakage is called rate of commission  T/F
  6. Profit and loss cannot be defined in relative terms of percentage  T/F
  7. There are two major methods to charge depreciation T/F
  8. profit=(selling price -cost ) > 0  T/F
  9. loss=(selling price-cost )>0    T/
  10. Fixed installment is the ratio of the difference of the cost of the assets and its scrap value by the expected life of the asset T/F 

Q.4 Numerical questions .

1. Price of one kg oranges is Rs.50 . Find the selling price if they all are sold at the profit of 14%.

Cost of 1kg oranges =Rs.50
Markup or rate of profit=R=14% 
selling price =SP=?
R=((S-C)/C *100)%
   =(S-50)/50 *100)%
14%=((S-50) *2)%

2. A person sold house at Rs.3,00,000 . On the profit of 20% calculate the cost of the house . 

  Solution :
Selling price of house =SP=3,00,000
Rate of profit=R =20%
cost of house =CP=?
R=((S-C)/C *100)%
20%=((3,00,000-C)/C *100)%
20C =(300000-C)*100

3. A ring was sold for Rs.980 on 2% loss. Find the cost price of the ring . 

selling price of ring =SP=Rs.980
cost price of ring =CP =?
R'=((C-S)/C *100)%
2%=((C-980)/C * 100 ) %
2C=(C-980) * 100
2C/100 = C-980
0.02 C -1C=-980

5. To convert a fixed asset of cost @ Rs. 25,000 to @ Rs.18250 in 5 years calculate the annual rate of depreciation .

cost =Rs. 25,000
scrap value =Rs. 18250
expected life in a year =5 
annual installment = (cost - scrap value )/Expected life in a year 
Rate of depreciation=D/(C-SV)

6. Price of a toy is Rs.250 discount offers on this toy @ 20%. Find the amount of discount and discounted price .

selling price of toy= Rs. 250
Discounted Rate =20%
Amount of discount=AD=?
Discounted price =DP=?
Discounted Rate=(AD/SP * 100)%
20%=(AD/250  * 100)%
20= AD/5 *2

7. Ali is a distributor of a calculator company he booked an order of 25 calculators @ Rs.650 per calculator and agree to allow 12% trade discount. Calculate the value of the invoice. 

selling cost of one calculator =650
selling cost of 25 calculators = 25*650=16250 

8. Define depreciation and methods to calculate depreciation .

Answer is given on page 24 of book . 

9 . A trader purchased 5 jeans @ Rs.150 each trade discount is 25% . Further he will get cash discount of 2.5% if he paid the total amount within a week of delivery then calculate the amount which he has to pay . 

 a) Within a week 

 selling  price of a jeans = 150 
 selling price of 5 jeans = 5*150
 Discounted Price=?
 according to formula 
 DP =548.4375

b) After the  week 

 selling  price of a jeans = 150 
 selling price of 5 jeans = 5*150 =750
Discounted Price = ? 
According to formula 

10. 35% commission is offered to an agent by a manufacturer to sale his old stock. The commission that  agent received is of Rs.28,000 . Calculate the amount received by the manufacturer

let x be the selling cost of stock 
Rate of commission=35%
amount received  by manufacturer = ?
commission=35% *x

28,000=35% * x
28,000=35/100 * x
28000*100 =35 x
amount received by manufacturer=80,000-28,000

Note  : Soon tutorial for this chapter will be uploaded on this website . Keep in touch with us . 

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