aiou code 1349 chapter 5 solution


Unit #5


Solved Self Assessment Questions  

aiou code 1349 chapter 5 solution

Q.1  Fill in the blanks .

  1. Two algebraic expressions which involves variables  and constant is called equations  .
  2. Graph of linear equation gives straight line 
  3. linear equations are first degree equations 
  4. Quadratic equations are second degree equations 
  5. Three are three methods to solve quadratic equations . 
  6. If b^2 -4ac >0 then the roots of quadratic equations are distinct and real 
  7. If  b^2 -4ac <0 then the roots of quadratic equations are not real  
  8. If  b^2 -4ac =0 then the roots of quadratic equations are  equal and real roots .
  9. Extraneous roots are those roots that do not satisfy the original equation .
  10. Simultaneous equations is a set of more than two equations 

Q.2 Choose the correct answer .

1._______sign must hold in equation . 

    a) =     b)not equal     c)<=     d)>=

2.The value of ________for which the equation is true is known as the solution set of an equation.

    a)Known     b)Unknown     c)Familiar     d) none 

3.Linear equation has ______root 

    a)Three     b) two     c) one     d) no

4.The _______is true for root and value of  solution set . 

    a)Equation     b) Variable     c)Constant     d)none 

5.Root is technical term to represent elements of the _________

    a)Variable     b) equation     c) Solution set     d)none 

6.Method to solve quadratic equations are ___________

    a) Factorization     b) Quadratic formula     c)completing square     d)All 

7.In equation 5x+3=y , x and y are __________

    a)Constant     b) variables     c) number     d)none^2+bx+c=0 is the standard form of _________ equation . 

    a)Quadratic     b) linear     c)Both a and b     d) none 

9.b^2-4ac is the  _________in quadratic formula. 

    a)Roots     b) solution set     c)Discriminant     d)none 

10.If discriminant root is zero then quadratic equation has ________root.

    a)Fourth     b)Double     c)Triple     d)Single 

Q.3 True / false 

  1. In linear equation  degree of variable is more than 1 . T/F
  2. Quadratic equation has two roots . T/F
  3. There are four methods to solve quadratic equation. T/F
  4. It is not possible to calculate the solution set of linear equation in single variable . T/F
  5. To find the solution set of any equation it is necessary  to simplify the equation into its simplest form . T/F
  6. If we apply any algebraic operation at one side of the equation , then we must apply that algebraic operation on other side as well . T/F
  7. Completing square is one of the method to solve linear equation. T/F
  8. In quadratic equation degree of variable  is >2 . T/F
  9. az^2+bz+c=0 is the quadratic equation in z . T/F
  10. If discriminant is negative then roots are complex . T/F

Q.4 Solve the following questions .

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