aiou code 1349 chapter 7 solution

 Unit# 7 

Elements of  Matrix Algebra -1 

Full Self Assessment Solution 

chapter 7 solution aiou code 1349

Q.1 Fill in the blanks . 

  1. Matrix is a collection of numbers arranged into a fixed number of rows and columns .
  2. The vertical lines of matrix A is called column.
  3. Elements of matrix can be written as aij where i always represents the position of element in row.
  4. Equal matrix is a matrix in which number of columns and rows are equal .
  5. Row matrix is a matrix having one row and several columns . 
  6. In diagonal matrix all the elements are zero except the elements in the main diagonal.
  7. If all elements of any row or column equal  to zero , then determinant of that matrix is equal to zero.
  8. If the matrix B is obtained from the matrix A by multiplying every element of matrix A by scalar k then |A|=k|B|
  9. The  matrix inverse can be used to determine the solution set for a system of equations.
  10. Null matrix is a matrix in which every element of matrix is zero . 

Q.2 Choose the correct option .

 1.If the determinant of a matrix A is zero, then matrix A is known as __________
    a)non-singular matrix     b)identity matrix     c) singular matrix     d)scalar matrix
2._________is the order of matrix having m rows and n columns .
    a)m/n     b)m+n    c)m-n    d)m*n
3.In a column matrix A=aij
    a)i>1 and j=1     b)i=1 and j=1     c)i>1 and j>1     d)i=1 and j>1
4.A=|  1 |
        |  0 |
        |  1 |
    a) Square     b)Column     c)Null     d)Row
5.If A is a matrix and A=A^t  , then this a __________matrix 
    a)Symmetric     b)non-symmetric     c)Singular     d)non-singular
6)The order of matrix A =|1    0| is _____________
                                          |2    4|
                                          |-1   3|
    a)3*3     b)2*3    c)3*2    d)3*1
7)In a scalar matrix all elements of principal diagonal are __________
    a)Null     b)Different        c)Same     d)Both a and c 
8)Transpose of a column matrix is a __________
    a)Column matrix     b)Identity matrix     c)Unit matrix     d)Row matrix
9)Unit matrix is known as __________
    a)Identity matrix     b)Finite matrix     c)Infinite matrix     d)zero matrix 
10) Matrix A  is non-singular  matrix if___________
    a)(|A|=0)     b)(|A|!=0)    c)(|A|<=0)     d)(|A|>=0)

Q.3 True/False

  1.  Matrix is an arrangement of numbers and symbols belonging to a situation . T/F
  2. In null matrix all entries are greater than  0. T/F
  3. The inverse of matrix A can be found by dividing the determinant of matrix A with the adjoint matrix T/F.
  4. A be a square matrix and its cofactor matrix is represented as Ac and adjoint of matrix A is adj(A),then adj(A)!=(Ac)t   T/F   
  5. If all the elements of any row/column equal  to zero , then determinant of that matrix is not equal to zero . T/F
  6. For a matrix A to have an inverse  it must be a square matrix . T/F
  7. Inverse of matrix A will also be square and of the same dimension as A. T/F
  8. The transpose A^t  of A is obtained  by interchanging columns and rows of matrix A. T/F
  9. If two rows/columns  are identical then the determinant is not equal to zero . T/F
  10. If any multiple of one /column is added to another row/column , the value of the determinant in changed . T/

Q.4 Numerical Questions .


Note : Soon  Tutorial for this chapter will be uploaded . Keep in touch with us .

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