slo based teaching fbise


slo based teaching fbise

What are slo based teaching techniques. Is it enough to have slo syllabus ? Or should we need to change teaching method . Main aim of our students and teachers is to get high score in board exams . However , just get 90%+ marks . No matter have you learned something or not . Either use cramming technique or use any notes of important . Regardless of topic what is center of mass about , What's a difference between distance , acceleration , velocity. Just memorize the definition and you are good to go for examination. 

Teachers really need to improve themselves . How they will engage the students in the class. How they will learn new concept just like game. By showing new tricks . Regardless of saying . Now you are 9 or 10 grade . You need to study day or night . Otherwise you gonna fail . Don't impose on them fear of failure . Just let them to learn and explore new concepts in details . For this you need to study the whole topic make notes for the class and think about new strategies to gain student attention. 

I'll make you understand with this simple example .Students know the distance is the length of any path between two points and displacement is the shortest distance. When question comes in exam just like is it possible in any case displacement will be greater than distance ? Student will stuck . They know displacement is shortest distance but still they will not be able to answer they just know but they didn't learn about distance and displacement in class . Because if they really learned that displacement is the shortest distance they would be able to answer that if something is the shortest of another things how it can be greater . 

Here are Slo based teaching techniques for fbise Syllabus

Learn the topic

First teacher need to study well the topic before delivering the lecture and make important notes of the topic . That include all types of question related topic . And use that notes while teaching . 

Ask the question 

Teacher must have the common sense questions list related to topic to engage the student. For example if you are about to deliver the lecture about pressure on liquids . You can take bottle with three holes at different depth . Now add water into it obviously deepest hole will let the water pass with more pressure than rest of them . Ask the student from which holes water flows fastly . Obviously they will answer you the hole closest  to the base of bottle . Then ask them why is this happen . May be many of them won't be able to answer . But at least you make them how to think rather than imposing them what to think .

Deliver the lecture 

Now deliver the lecture . All the write down all the important points on white board. To make them learn more ask question to improve their intelligence . For example if you are delivering lecture about computer network . As standard definition of computer network is " A set of two or more computers connected through transmission medium " . Now ask them we can call it network . If someone opened  two accounts on different browser on single computer for sharing information . Can we call it network ? If he really notice the two or more computers in definition he would say no . If there is any confusion you will clear it . 

Ask the student to memorize key points 

Students like to play games as we all know . You can ask them you have just 10 minutes . Lets see who will learn first all these points . In this way whole class will learn all the key points in the class room . 

Home Work 

If you have two days for single topic . Then give simple questions related to lecture of many of example you have solved in the class room . To boost the confidence level of student that they can solve them . Rather then giving them tricky questions . For the next day solve at least 2-3 tricky questions and make them understand how to solve and think about tricky questions .

Slo Based Solution 

Class 10 physics slo based solution

class 9 1-7 conceptual question solution

Class 9 slo based solution

Solved Books

I have done BSCS from Quaid I Azam University . The purpose of this blog is to help those students who can't afford tuition and online tutor fee . Here you can get the solution of mathematics books of different universities free of cost and you can also watch videos .

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