daily use idioms and proverbs with Example

daily use idioms and proverbs with Example

Table of Contents

Some well-known idioms used in sentences 

  1. I do not call up your name . 
  2. She comes of a noble family.
  3. The meeting comes off on Sunday.
  4. I do without a table. 
  5. Friends fall off in adversity 
  6. We keep back nothing from you 
  7. I look upon him as my brother.
  8. She works ten hours at a stretch .
  9. Is he at death's door.
  10. he looks blue
  11. He gets cross at every step.
  12. I am in a fix now .
  13. He has succeeded in the teeth of severe opposition.
  14. I have told you once for all not to come here. 
  15. He has told us a cock-and-bull story.
  16. you have attached great importance to a man of straw .
  17. I have seen many things at sixes and sevens in your room.
  18. I have thrown myself heart and soul into my work. 
  19. He has won the sympathy of the rank and file of Pakistan.
  20. He has lost his temper. 
  21. I have left no stone unturned to overcome my difficulties. 
  22. Has he got off scot-free even this time .

Some important proverbs and their English Equivalents 

  1. All is well that ends well.
  2. It takes two to make a quarrel.
  3. God helps those who help themselves. 
  4. Birds of a feather flock together.
  5. Money makes the mare go . 
  6. Blood is thicker than water.
  7. Self-praise is no re-commendation.
  8. Every cock fights best on his own dung-hill.
  9. To err is human .
  10. Charity begins at home.

Some useful words for animals and birds 

  1. These kittens are white.
  2. The calf stands near the cow.
  3. The kid eats grass.
  4. I do not like the colt.
  5. Tadpoles live in water . 
  6. The horse neighs .
  7. Frogs croak at night.
  8. Lions roar in jungles.
  9. Birds twitter in the morning . 
  10. Dogs bark at night .

Some similar words

  1. The climate of  Multan is hot . Today's weather is very fine. 
  2. He is in the habit of telling lies . I do not care for any custom .
  3. This is the skin of a deer . Sugar is very dear these days . 
  4. He is my elder brother . I am older than you . 
  5. The principal is on leave today . My father is a man of principle .
  6. Stand near the gate . Watch his gait with great care.
  7. My friend does not worship an idol . Is it better to sit idle
  8. He is a naughty boy . I cannot do this knotty sum.
  9. You may not have this medal . Do not meddle with my affairs .
  10. he pulled the reins of his horse . It began to rain at midnight.

Noun , Verb and Adjective form of words 

Noun                Verb                Adjective 
Practice           Practise            Practical
preparation      prepare             preparatory
Prosperity        Prosper            Prosperous
Protection        Protect              protective
Purity               Purify               Pure
Quickness        Quicken            Quick
Redness            Redden             Red
Safety               Save                  Safe
Society              Associate          Social 
Strength             Strengthen        Strong
Service               Serve                Serviceable  

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