How to write letters to friends , businessmen , officers and others

How to begin and how to end letters 

Some suitable sentences for beginning a letter to those who are not  blood relations .
 Letter to Friends 
I am very glad to learn that......
I am very glad to inform you that ........
I am really very sorry not to have heard so long from you.
I was glad to receive your letter this morning
Thank you for your letter of the other day. 

 Letter to Strangers 

  1. kindly allow me to tell (inform) you that .........
  2. I am greatly pleased (sorry) to tell (inform) you that...... 
  3. Please (kindly) allow me to bring to your notice.........
  4. Please (kindly) allow (permit) me to draw your attention to .......................

 Letter to Businessmen

Please refer to my (your) letter no ,---------- dated -----
With reference to my letter no,--------dated---------,please note that ------------

 Letter to Officers 

Most respectfully I beg to say that ..........
With due respect  I beg to say that ..........
With reference to your letter no---------dated--------------
I beg to say(state) that ........... 
With reference to your letter no,----------dated------------
I have the honor to state that...................

Some Suitable Endings for a letter 

For letters to Friends 

With best regards 

With kind regards

With due sincere regards 

For letters to Business 

I shall be very thankful to you for that ..................

I shall be very thankful to you for your prompt attention........ 

Kindly arrange to send this at a very early date ..........

kindly give top priority to the matter under reference ..............

A very early compliance is requested (solicited) .............

For letters to officers

I shall be very thankful to you for this act of kindness. 

I shall  be highly thankful (grateful) to you for this favour.

I shall be very thankful to you for that .

Write a letter to uncle about your favorite game and hobby

 Examination Hall 

November 1,2022

Dear Uncle , 

                    So many thanks for your kind letter of the other day. You will be glad to know that I have greatly improved my cricket.Our P.T.I is highly pleased with my bowling and batting . I scored 72 runs in a match yesterday. We played it against the local Government  Muslim High School. My score was the highest . The headmaster gave me a prize of Rs.20 . Now I am the secretary of our first eleven. 

My room-mate , Mr. Farooq , is an expert photographer. I have already learnt a lot about photography from him I have taken dozens of very good snaps . i have also bought a  camera . I hope to take many more snaps next week. I shall bring my album with me, when I come to Murree. 

With best regards 

I am 

Yours ctiffeaonately

Roll no . 25763

Write a letter to your cousin,congratulating him on his birthday.

 Examination Hall 

November 1,2022

Dear Pervaiz ,

Today is your fourteenth birthday. And I pray for " many , many happy returns " of the day. You are taking the Secondary School Certificate Examination this year. I believe that a brilliant success awaits you. I also know that you are very fond of hockey. Try to shine both in sports and studies. Pray five times a day and read the Holy Quran every morning. Never forget that "God helps those who help themselves . " Congratulating you most heartily on your birthday. 

I am 

Yours ctiffeaonately

Roll no . 25763

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